Typically, this phishing strategy is used by scammers, through which scammers obtain all the information related to a person’s bank account.
PAN card fraud: A new digital scam is in the news in India. And this scam is in the form of providing fraud by India Post Payment Bank to the customers, in which it is said that if the customer does not update his PAN card details then By blocking their bank accounts they will have to wait for 24 hours.
And in this message a link is included, from the fraudulent website, and this link takes the user to the fraudulent website, and this is a phishing technique being used, which gives all the account information of the people. They are using fishing method to find out.
In which PIB has dismissed the pancard scam as a fraud and has advised everyone to be careful, so that no one gets scammed.
And Indian Bank has issued a statement saying that it has never sent such link alerts and has warned people against clicking on any unknown link and providing information.
PIB has said in its statement that, no such link has been provided from our side and it has not been given that if the PAN card is not updated the account will be blocked within 24 hours, but it is from a scammer. Got a link from.
India Post never sends such messages. Here are some suggestions to stay safe from scammers.
And everyone is requested to follow this rule:
Your PAN card information is given only on the PIB platform or at the verification site or is trusted only when your PAN card is absolutely valid.
Always use caution with links: Do not click on any links that appear unfamiliar to you in an email or message. And hover over any link that has been banned before clicking.
And always keep an eye out for any warning signs: always be wary of any kind of threat or instant solicitation deal, which sounds too good to be true. Most scammers are out to manipulate anyone. And use enthusiasm.
And the scammers are sending messages claiming that your account will be freed.
This scammer name is being used because if any account holder is told that you are not updating your account then he will be banned or will be scammed due to which the account holder gives the account number and makes the mistake of securing his account and is scammer. Taking advantage of this, his account is hacked.
Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): You can activate 2FA for security. This is a process by which a scammer sends a code, link, or message to your account on your phone. I have not been able to reach you, write down your password, why don’t you pass it, with your account, anyone. Can’t make a hole.
IPB’s tips for protection:
1. Update password regularly
2. Beware of any fraudulent service that pretends to be an IPB customer
3.Always keep an eye on your account.
4.Do not open any suspicious link.
5.Do not use the WiFi of any unknown person.
6.And verify the authenticity of your account through the bank.
writer by: piyush kushwaha
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